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Rules and Regulations

1. Almanac should be carried by every student to school every day.

2. Students should arrive at school by 7:30 a.m., that is, before the     

    start of the Home Room period. Nursery, Preparatory and class I 

    should arrive by 8:15 a.m.

3. School does not provide any transportation facility.

4. The first bell is a signal for the students to get ready for meditation.

    They should maintain perfect discipline. After the recess timings,

    students should reach their classes before the 2nd bell.



5. Change of classroom between periods should be done in silence

    and in an orderly manner.

6. Students should maintain personal hygiene and be neatly dressed. 

    The school uniform should be worn on all working days and for all 

     school functions. Students who are not in proper uniform will not

     be allowed to enter their classrooms. This rule applies even when

     they come to school for any purpose other than attending classes

     or even after school hours.



7. Only English should be spoken in the school premises.

8. Other than text books or library books, no books, magazines, CDs, 

    Cassettes, pen drive should be brought to school. Bringing

    objectionable items to the school may lead to server

    disciplinary action.

9. The school is not responsible for any article lost. It is advisable not

    to bring valuable articles like expensive watches, i-pods, pen-drive,

    calculators, cameras, cell phones, CDs, and jewellery ect. To the



10. Care must be taken of all school property, spoiling of which would 

      lead to disciplinary action

         a) Damage does even by accident should be reported at once to the                        class teacher, class prefect or to the principal.

         b) Any damage done will be made good by the student concerned 

              together with a fine of Rs.500/ imposed for such an offence.

         c) Any one who notices something damaged should report even if he or 

               she does not know who has done it.

11. Bicycles must be locked. Students must not ride on bicycle inside the 

      school compound.

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